Sales Reps Team Study Profile and Auditing – Abril 2018

The marketing consultancy Hotmarketing carried out the development of the study to survey the performance of a commercial team in the automotive sector in 4 Brazilian cities.

With the study results, it was possible to target the most appropriate decision-making, identifying problems and opportunities to each team's sales representative, avoiding more costs with less assertiveness in their business objectives.

It is advisable to recycle information, knowledge, and periodically innovate with your sales team.

American market Study for Brazilian Specialty Coffees held in December 2016.

Hotmarketing has developed a complete study of the US market for Brazil's specialty coffee sector by visiting seven US cities, photographing and analyzing competing products on gondolas, a POP category management study, and developing a rich database of potential importers of the industrialized product.

The study of competition in certain target markets is extremely important so that your business can be analyzed, reviewed and well-targeted for success.

Contact us and request a free quote for the development of a market study!

Attention to customer satisfaction surveys!

Does your company apply customer satisfaction surveys annually to your customers? How to measure the level of satisfaction of your customers without obtaining recent data?

Customers are more comfortable responding to information to a search service provider than to their vendor directly. With a lot of professionalism and technique, Hotmarketing works with satisfaction surveys without disturbing the client, bringing very important information for making future strategy decisions and for actions that should be considered in the short term in the company.

Satisfaction surveys bring investments optimization, activities and people corrections, and avoids waste of time and resources. In addition, it is an important attribute for renewal of ISO9001 quality certification. Talk to us and ask for a free quote!

Sao Paulo receives Indian companies at Frei Caneca

The India Decor & Fashion Event at Frei Caneca in São Paulo brought together the fashion, clothing, costume and decoration sectors held in March 2018.

The next edition of the event will be announced soon for the month of March 2019. Brazilian importers from these sectors will have the opportunity to meet new suppliers from India of high quality in just two days of event in São Paulo. Products range from various handicraft raw materials, bringing finished products such as blouses, trousers, shawls, necklaces, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, purses, wallets, decorative objects such as candles, lamps, decorations, gifts, sculptures, frames, among many others.

A feira internacional Autopromotec ( reunirá o mercado de reposição automotivo mundial, na cidade de Bolonha de 22 a 26 de maio de 2019, e oferece muitas oportunidades de negócios ao Brasil.

A edição passada do evento contou com 113.616 visitantes, e 1.651 expositores, sendo 41% internacionais, atingindo um grande avanço de encontros entre estrangeiros como nunca registrado em edições anteriores. A feira Autopromotec a cada ano vem agregando uma série de eventos paralelos interessantes, elaborados para os visitantes e expositores de todo o mundo. Na edição de 2017 havia 14 salas e cinco espaços na área aberta, com um total de 158.000 metros. Como de planejado, os expositores foram agrupados por segmento de produto, com mais de 550 categorias abrangendo todos os subsegmentos do mercado de reposição. Nas distintas salas, puderam-se conhecer novas atividades e tecnologias com pneus novos ou recondicionados, rodas e equipamentos, as melhores e mais modernas ferramentas de serviços de pós-venda, diagnóstico e soluções para serviços de lava-rápido e outros cuidados com automóveis. O evento reúne a excelência do mundo ao serviço de reparação automotiva, distribuidores de pneus, concessionários, centros especializados serviços e reparação; peças de reposição, produtos de consumo e serviços para una indústria em constante evolução, como sistemas de softwares e informática para as redes de distribuição, cadeia de suprimentos e serviços de logística.

Para a edição de 2019, estamos desenvolvendo uma proposta para uma área promocional para empresas expositoras do Brasil, juntamente com uma agenda de reuniões de negócios no seu estande, com acesso a contatos de compradores internacionais de vários países, convidados pelos organizadores. Serão selecionados os compradores convidados com extremo critério de perfil e qualidade.

Além da participação no evento, o grupo brasileiro poderá aderir ao programa da missão empresarial que abrangerá atividades de acordo com o perfil e interesse do grupo. Algumas opções no programa são: Capacitação de serviços de pintura e funilaria na região de Turim, Pininfarina, onde há o centro de tecnologia de ponta neste segmento; visita na FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automotive); e visitas nas fábricas localizadas na região de Modena tais como Ferrari, Maserati, CNH, e Lamborghini.

A consultoria internacional Hotmarketing está coordenando a presença das empresas brasileiras no evento. Para participar, basta preencher o formulário para que a organizadora possa elaborar um programa adequado para cada necessidade comercial.

LINK para formulário de participação:

Para mais informações: Cibele Pugliesi,
Fone: (11) 5078-6361/ Whatsapp: (11) 99945-6182.


Links interessantes:

Depoimento de um visitante da Argentina no evento, que está buscando fornecedores e conhecimento sobre as tendências vindas da Europa como Euro V, entre outras:

Depoimento do jornalista Javier Flores do Grupo Faros da Argentina sobre o perfil do evento:

Apresentação do evento pelo Gerente da Marca da Organizadora:

Sales Reps Team Study Profile and Auditing – Abril 2018

The marketing consultancy Hotmarketing carried out the development of the study to survey the performance of a commercial team in the automotive sector in 4 Brazilian cities.

With the study results, it was possible to target the most appropriate decision-making, identifying problems and opportunities to each team's sales representative, avoiding more costs with less assertiveness in their business objectives.

It is advisable to recycle information, knowledge, and periodically innovate with your sales team.

Attention to customer satisfaction surveys!

Does your company apply customer satisfaction surveys annually to your customers? How to measure the level of satisfaction of your customers without obtaining recent data?

Customers are more comfortable responding to information to a search service provider than to their vendor directly. With a lot of professionalism and technique, Hotmarketing works with satisfaction surveys without disturbing the client, bringing very important information for making future strategy decisions and for actions that should be considered in the short term in the company.

Satisfaction surveys bring investments optimization, activities and people corrections, and avoids waste of time and resources. In addition, it is an important attribute for renewal of ISO9001 quality certification. Talk to us and ask for a free quote!

American market Study for Brazilian Specialty Coffees held in December 2016

Hotmarketing has developed a complete study of the US market for Brazil’s specialty coffee sector by visiting seven US cities, photographing and analyzing competing products on gondolas, a POP category management study, and developing a rich database of potential importers of the industrialized product.

The study of competition in certain target markets is extremely important so that your business can be analyzed, reviewed and well-targeted for success.

Contact us and request a free quote for the development of a market study!

São Paulo receives Indian companies at Frei Caneca

The India Decor & Fashion Event at Frei Caneca in São Paulo brought together the fashion, clothing, costume and decoration sectors held in March 2018.The next edition of the event will be announced soon for the month of March 2019.

Brazilian importers from these sectors will have the opportunity to meet new suppliers from India of high quality in just two days of event in São Paulo. Products range from various handicraft raw materials, bringing finished products such as blouses, trousers, shawls, necklaces, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, purses, wallets, decorative objects such as candles, lamps, decorations, gifts, sculptures, frames, among many others.

American market Study for Brazilian Specialty Coffees held in December 2016.

Hotmarketing has developed a complete study of the US market for Brazil's specialty coffee sector by visiting seven US cities, photographing and analyzing competing products on gondolas, a POP category management study, and developing a rich database of potential importers of the industrialized product.

The study of competition in certain target markets is extremely important so that your business can be analyzed, reviewed and well-targeted for success.

Contact us and request a free quote for the development of a market study!